====== ELK Stack====== [[linux:linux|{{ :dokuwiki:tux.png?120|}}]] ===== context===== dit document beschrijft algemene werking van ELK Stack ===== Log analysis===== - keep logs in central place and analyse from there. - collection of raw (unstructured) data - convert into structured form - usefull for: - issue debugging: detect problems - predictive analysis: use log to foresee problems - security analysis: analyse access logs - performance analysis: how well is your app performing - problems with Log analysis: - non-consistent log format: most apps have their own log format - non-consistent time format: CET, US time format - decentralised logs: logs are not on 1 server and are spread over your environment - expert knowledge required: not everyone has access/knowledge to analyse the logs ===== ELK Stack ===== * combination of 3 opensource tools: * elasticsearch: store logs and make them searcheable, NoSQL database, Apache Lucene, FAST (based on indexing)! * logstash: collect, parse and filter logs (unstructured data), plugins connect to various sources * kibana: web interface to display data in graphs and dashboards {{ :linux:elkcomponent.png?600 |}} ===== How does it work? ===== - logstash collects individual logs from servers - elasticserach works on collected data (indexing) - kebana presents data visually {{ :linux:elkworking.png?600 |}} ===== meer info ===== uitleg gebaseerd op [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRMgd6E9AXE|YouTube video]] {{tag>Linux}}