Table of Contents
ELK Stack
dit document beschrijft algemene werking van ELK Stack
Log analysis
- keep logs in central place and analyse from there.
- collection of raw (unstructured) data
- convert into structured form
- usefull for:
- issue debugging: detect problems
- predictive analysis: use log to foresee problems
- security analysis: analyse access logs
- performance analysis: how well is your app performing
- problems with Log analysis:
- non-consistent log format: most apps have their own log format
- non-consistent time format: CET, US time format
- decentralised logs: logs are not on 1 server and are spread over your environment
- expert knowledge required: not everyone has access/knowledge to analyse the logs
ELK Stack
- combination of 3 opensource tools:
- elasticsearch: store logs and make them searcheable, NoSQL database, Apache Lucene, FAST (based on indexing)!
- logstash: collect, parse and filter logs (unstructured data), plugins connect to various sources
How does it work?
- logstash collects individual logs from servers
- elasticserach works on collected data (indexing)
meer info
uitleg gebaseerd op YouTube video
linux/elk_stack.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/16 18:14 by